"-OR" and "-EE"; three sticky notes.
Surely by the same mental lacuna that I'm unable to remember readily which side is left and which is right, I can never remember who does what to whom.
(I can instantly identify left and right if I think of my writing (righting) hand, and I never forget that the right turn is easy and the left turn is hard but I go blank when I have to take sides in any other context. I ought to use these touchstones but it isn't automatic the way it should be----by the time I've remembered to apply them, I've worked it out somehow anyway.)
Similarly, it ought to be enough that these terms are in my termbase but somehow it isn't. And so three sticky notes (physical paper, not electronic ones) live on the edge of my screen.
Arrendadora - LESSOR
Arrendatario - LESSEE
Franquiciante - FRANCHISOR
Franquiciado - FRANCHISEE
Fiduciaro - TRUSTEE
Fideicomitente - SETTLOR/TRUSTOR